Meet Clinical Psychologist Shannon Yeardley

What three words would you use to describe yourself as a Psychologist?
Caring, enthusiastic, dedicated
Before working at Brisbane Wellbeing what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
First job was working at a donut shop, which offered unlimited frozen soft drinks while working (which was pretty good at age 14!) – making the swirly cream patterns on the donuts was fun but washing up huge heavy bowls of dough – not so much…
If you could do a completely different job for a day, what would it be?
Perhaps working at huge flower market or owning a peony or rose farm…

Meet Clinical Psychologist Shannon Yeardley

What do you like most about your job?
I really love my work. It took a long time to become comfortable as a Psychologist – you need a certain level of life experience and the nature of the work brings out every insecurity you ever had (and didn’t even know you had) I initially questioned whether I had chosen the right career.
Once I was past that point… (though ongoing doubts are still normal for everyone when we have a bad day!) I realised that I have definitely found my professional calling. No two days are ever the same. It is a privilege to get to know people to the depth that being in a therapy setting provides. I love to connect with people from all ages and I am often inspired and learning something new. We all have many of the same struggles underneath – not feeling good enough or feeling inadequate in some way.
I am not here to tell people what to do, but rather to give the space, perspective and skills to help my clients to live their lives in the way that feels most right for them.
Many of my clients I have seen on and off for years and sometimes when we feel stuck, just having that opportunity to have time to process things and to feel properly heard (something that we generally don’t experience day to day very often) can be what we need to be able to move forward.
Seeing my clients embrace new opportunities where fear or doubt previously held them back is wonderful. I also offer couples therapy and while this can be challenging and draining at times, seeing a couple be able to reconnect and improve their relationship dynamics is deeply satisfying.
I created Brisbane Wellbeing to provide an ideal environment for both psychologists and clients that feels calming, welcoming and a haven from the busyness of the city. I really love practicing from the clinic – it is a beautiful welcoming space.
What tv show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love?
The Bachelor/Bachelorette!
What makes you laugh?
My 15 year old son has a great sense of humour and our chocolate Labrador Evie does the funniest facial expressions – you can read her like a book!

Meet Clinical Psychologist Shannon Yeardley

What is your motto or personal mantra?
Try to hold things lightly. How much will this matter in 5 years time?
If you could visit any place in the world tomorrow where would it be?
Riding through rural France on an electric bike so that I can easily cover lots of ground without collapsing….! Visiting beautiful villages and historic places and stopping at lots of cafes or for picnics.
Least favourite Food?