High work demands combined with other personal or life challenges can make it a challenge to maintain equilibrium at times and experiencing periods of psychological struggle can really start to impact on your own wellbeing. In recognition of this, we have created a niche service at Brisbane Wellbeing to help you access psychological support during the challenging times or as an ongoing resiliency boost, perhaps meeting once a month to debrief and talk through current challenges. Our experienced Brisbane psychologists provide support for helping you to overcome stress and feeling overwhelmed due to work and life challenges.

When you book a consultation, you can request a private waiting area separate from our general waiting area to help care for your privacy. Forms and booking can all be completed online again minimising any time spent at a reception desk and also reducing the time that you are away from work. You will find our clinic environment to be beautiful, relaxing and a haven to help you look after your own wellbeing. Our most senior Psychologists provide support to professionals, including the medical and legal fields.

Read more about professional challenges and the professions which tend to put the most pressure on themselves…