Psychologist Kate Brayley has joined the Brisbane Wellbeing Psychologists team as of March. Kate is consulting here every Monday and Tuesday.

Kate enjoys working with her clients to overcome barriers to exercise and physical activity, weight-loss, with a focus on building self-esteem and confidence through goal setting and planning. Kate provides an evidence-based approach to enhance self-awareness

and support clients to develop and maintain social, emotional, and physical health and well-being.

To get to know Kate better we asked some hard-hitting questions!

What motivated you to become a psychologist?

​My path to becoming a psychologist was not straightforward. I worked in the corporate world for several years. I also performed in my own band and taught dance before becoming a language instructor, which I did for almost 10 years. Along the way, I discovered that I enjoyed helping people work towards their goals, and create positive change, and I enjoyed facilitating that change. A psychology major in my first (arts) degree sparked my interest in the science of Psychology initially, and years later I went back to uni to complete undergrad, honours and masters in psychology so that I could work with people to achieve their full potential, no matter where they were starting from.

Where is the most interesting place in the world that you have visited?

I would say the most interesting “area” I’ve visited is Egypt, Israel and Sinai. I spent 2 months in this part of the world, and find the history fascinating.

If you were a tree what type of tree would you be and why?

I would be a gum tree. They are strong and resilient, surviving in the harshest of climates, and provide refuge for many little creatures. I grew up in the outback and have memories of them towering above me.

What is your favourite sea animal and why?

Definitely the dolphin. They are intelligent, inquisitive, playful, always look like they’re smiling, and can surf the waves so effortlessly. I love that they care for their “pod” as we would our family.

When you’re alone in the car, what do you listen to?

​I listen to 612 ABC quite a bit on the radio, but I also flick between commercial stations for music, depending on my mood.

If you think Kate would be a good match for you and your goals, book online or give us a call on 3532 8954.